Workshop Handbook
Welcome to FDO (Facilitator Development Online)!
This course is about learning how to (co)facilitate the FLO (Facilitating Learning Online) Fundamentals workshop, which is itself a course about learning how to facilitate online learning more effectively.
Invariably, when describing this to people, it's difficult to avoid making a reference to nested dolls...
Image Courtesy of Paul Martin Eldridge at
If you are familiar with the ISW (Instructional Skills Workshop), you will recognize the pattern: ISW is a course about learning how to improve classroom teaching skills, and the FDW is about learning how to teach the ISW.
Same idea here: FLO - Fundamentals is an online course about facilitating online learning, and FDO is an online course about how to facilitate FLO.
Note, FDO we also touch on other FLO Family workshops:
- FLO - Synchronous which focuses on facilitating synchronous online learning events, and;
- FLO - Design which digs into the essential elements of designing effective online learning environments.