Week 4 Resources (Facilitating Online Teams)

Required Readings

(N.B. please note the co-facilitators of this week's topic may choose to substitute an alternate reading for this week)

  • Glover, N. (2003). Group Projects as a Catalyst for Online Learning Communities. California Virtual Campus.
    Note: While it's a little dated, this reading gives a good overview of Tuckman's five stages of group dynamics, and provides some tips about how to facilitate teams as they move through the stages.
  • Lam, W., Chua, A., Williams, J.B., & Lee, C. (2005). Virtual teams: Surviving or thriving? Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia (pp. 357-360).
    Note: This article is written by faculty who have a strong focus on team work that contributes to as much as 50% of student grades. Some good strategy suggestions for helping teams perform well together.
  • RRU - CTET. (2008, Fall). Team Based Learning. Tools for Teaching (T4T) Tipsheet, 1(3), 1-2.
    Note: Written by the Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies, this tip sheet is a short and sweet strategy document.
  • Dool, R. (2007, February). Best practices: Mitigating Conflict in Online Student Teams. eLearn Magazine, 2007(2), 2.
    Note: This article directly addresses the issue of conflict in teams. It gives effective, solid strategies based on experience.