Case: Mid-point Course Review

Case Data

Course Evaluation (Qualitative)

These are the open-ended comments provided by learners on the mid-point course evaluation survey...

Please comment on what you feel were the positive aspects of this course.
  • Liked being able to select a topic for the first paper.
  • Simple and predictable: weekly readings, discussion, quizzes.
  • The textbook is easy to read.

What topics or other elements (if any) would you like to see added to this course? Why?

  • More current developments in the field – online/news stories, real cases.
  • Some videos or podcasts might be useful.
  • An instructor who showed up would have been nice - just sayin'...

Please provide any other general comments you have regarding the course or the instructor.

  • Way...too...much...reading!!!
  • So far, I still feel lost about what I should focus on. So much reading that I can't find time to get it all done. The instructor never participates in the discussion forums so I find that we go in circles and never really learn anything from each other.
  • I liked this course so far – thank you!
  • Maybe it’s not fair to compare, but the instructors from last term were way more with-it, or with us. Our instructor barely shows up!
  • I feel overwhelmed by all the reading and the constant quizzes.