Case: Mid-point Course Review


The Responsive Facilitation team facilitators will lead this activity.


  • you are part of a small group that has been asked to assist an instructor (new to online teaching) who has received a negative mid-point course evaluation from students
  • your group includes experienced online instructors from different subject specializations
  • the Course Instructor has asked for your group's assistance and provided you with the student evaluation data and her reflections
  • the Course Instructor has in-depth knowledge of the subject area but was asked to teach this online course (prepared by someone else) at the last minute
  • the Course Instructor had no prior experience teaching online, although she had used some of the tools available in the learning management system course shell to support other face-to-face classes

Your Task:

  • Review all the case data provided
  • Consider the "things to think about"
  • Your weekly activity facilitator(s) will provide you with further guidance, but no matter what they have in store, you should be ready to consult and reference readings (and/or other resources), as appropriate, to inform the recommendations your group will make.

Your recommendations should:

  • be as specific as possible with the information you've been given
  • include rationale (i.e., not just what should be done, but also why)