Week 1 Overview

Weekly Activities

During this first week, the FLO Facilitators will guide you in a demonstration learning activity about online community. The purpose of this activity is to show you one way of facilitating a learning activity online in a short period of time.

Note:  Each of you will have an opportunity to facilitate a week long learning activity during this workshop. You can review the details of the process in the FLO Workshop Handbook:  Activities: facilitating page and you will find further guidance in your team planning forum in the Facilitation Teams Workspace tabbed page.

Your activity facilitation team (FLO Facilitators) will post detailed instructions and a schedule above the activity forum.

Focus for the Activity

You’ll be asked to explore your own perceptions of online learning communities and the role an instructor can play in building online community.


During this week's discussions, you'll be asked to:

  • share your ideas and experiences around online learning communities
  • explore different aspects of the Community of Inquiry model
  • think of ways that an instructor can develop and maintain an online learning community